Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Dharani of the Kotai Jujika (Sasoridoku) | The Celestial Confluence 2022: Fist of the Father (Transit of Antares: Rival of Mars)

The following curse (Fist of the Father) is against Belial and his children: Asmodeus, Zophos and Behemoth and written in accordance with 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 (NLT).

‘Cursed is he who strikes down his neighbor in secret.’ And let all the people say, ‘Amen!’ Deuteronomy 27:24 (BSB) πŸ˜‡✝️πŸ™
Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be cursed. Deuteronomy 28:19 (NLT)

To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Proverbs 8:13 (NIV) πŸ˜‡✝️πŸ™ Let those who are experts at cursing— whose cursing could rouse Leviathan— curse that day. Job 3:8 (ESV)

"Listen to me and make up your minds to honor my name,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, “or I will bring a terrible curse against you. I will curse even the blessings you receive. Indeed, I have already cursed them, because you have not taken my warning to heart." Malachi 2:2 (NLT) But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of eternal sin.” Mark 3:29 (BSB)

These false teachers are like unthinking animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed. They scoff at things they do not understand, and like animals, they will be destroyed. 2 Peter 2:12 (NLT) πŸ˜‡✝️πŸ™ The LORD will send on you curses, confusion and rebuke in everything you put your hand to, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin because of the evil you have done in forsaking him. Deuteronomy 28:20 (NIV)

But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man. For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. Matthew 15:19 (NLT) Your name will be a curse word among my people, for the Sovereign LORD will destroy you and will call his true servants by another name. Isaiah 65:15 (NLT)

The weapons of the scoundrel are destructive; he hatches plots to destroy the poor with lies, even when the plea of the needy is just. Isaiah 32:7 (BSB) “If you refuse to listen to the LORD your God and to obey the commands and decrees he has given you, all these curses will pursue and overtake you until you are destroyed. Deuteronomy 28:45 (NLT)


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Operation Deimos

Behemoth is the first of God's conquests. Its maker approaches it with his sword. Job 40:19 (GWT)

"Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of desire. However, greed (as seen by the Church) is applied to an artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions.

Thomas Aquinas wrote, "Greed is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." In Dante's Purgatory, the penitents are bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated excessively on earthly thoughts." - Wikipedia: Seven deadly sins/Greed

"Hoarding of materials or objects, theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of authority are all actions that may be inspired by greed. Such misdeeds can include simony, where one attempts to purchase or sell sacraments, including Holy Orders and, therefore, positions of authority in the Church hierarchy." - Wikipedia: Seven deadly sins/Greed

The Agents of Behemoth are the patrons of greed.
They want to own everything that you will ever need.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Operation Deimos

Behemoth is the first of God's conquests. Its maker approaches it with his sword. Job 40:19 (GWT)

"Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of desire. However, greed (as seen by the Church) is applied to an artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions.

Thomas Aquinas wrote, "Greed is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." In Dante's Purgatory, the penitents are bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated excessively on earthly thoughts." - Wikipedia: Seven deadly sins/Greed

"Hoarding of materials or objects, theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of authority are all actions that may be inspired by greed. Such misdeeds can include simony, where one attempts to purchase or sell sacraments, including Holy Orders and, therefore, positions of authority in the Church hierarchy." - Wikipedia: Seven deadly sins/Greed

The Agents of Behemoth are the patrons of greed.
They want to own everything that you will ever need.